Switching to green living is an excellent way to conserve natural resources and help mitigate Earth's destruction. Green living aids the effects of pollution and opting for a more sustainable solution. Let's discuss some green living myths that you might want to consider believing in.
You need to buy eco-friendly cars.
New inventions such as electric cars are more efficient and release fewer carbon emissions are widespread today. Its promising specifications convinced us that it is beneficial for the environment. But the question is, does it help the environment?
The truth is it has to be manufactured, use necessary metals, assemble components, and takes a ton of energy. According to an expert at the Stockholm Environment Institute, producing a modern car causes approximately 8 tons of CO2, similar to driving 23,000 miles. The need for mining activities for the battery to extract rare earth materials is energy-consuming and polluting. The extraction and production of the battery contribute to carbon emissions. Moreover, the used batteries are just incinerated or dumped in the landfill.
Does purchasing these cars help the environment? They do not emit CO2 while being driven, but it is destructive to our environment during manufacturing, energy production, and the end of their life cycle. So before buying a new car, think first about the amount of damage caused by manufacturing these cars to promote "green living."
Green living is all about the environment.
Green living is about saving humanity by saving the planet; it's not just protecting the environment. If the deterioration of the Earth keeps going, it will not be suitable to live in it in the future. Green living is imposed to aid the Earth's rapid destruction by switching to eco-friendly lifestyles and products. Recycling and reducing the energy and Earth's resources are the things that will gradually help our planet. It is not only for the environment, but it is also for humanity and future generation.
You should only have efficient appliances at home.
Energy-efficient appliances are popular today. Sales and promotions are being made to sell these appliances to reduce our electricity consumption and carbon footprint. But did you know that you can lower your carbon footprint without spending a lot of money?
You can turn down your air conditioner when it's cold; use a fan instead. This way, you consume less energy. Unplugging your phone's charger still eats up electricity even when it is not connected to your phone. The ordinary and straightforward thing you can do to reduce your carbon footprint is switch off the lights when not in use. You can also make a huge difference when you turn your washer and dryer at night because the electricity consumption is at its peak in the daytime. The dirtiest, most minor efficient power stations are used to meet demand. While at night, they switch off those stations, causing a lesser carbon footprint.
There's no way to avoid plastic.
We can see plastic almost everywhere, from food packaging, bottles, grocery plastic bags, and more. Plastics are the primary cause of climate change. It causes numerous problems to marine lives and the health of animals and humans. It's hard to end this plastic consumption, but did you know that you can slowly ditch those plastics? You can start using reusable grocery bags, water bottles, and mesh bags for your product; you can also choose plastic-free packaging such as cardboard boxes and food in cans/jars. You may not entirely cut out plastics completely, but making these simple actions will be a great help in mitigating plastic wastes.
Our products offer biodegradable materials that aid the use of disposable plastics. An example of these is mesh bags for transporting and storing produce to lengthen their freshness. We also have our glass water bottles to resolve the issue of plastic bottles. Moreover, we also have Moroccan baskets that are 100% hand weaved which ensures artisan quality bags used for transporting and storing goods and things.
Now that you're aware of them, it's fair to say that we can slowly do things our way to achieve green living. Have you started your small steps?